When heads (and secretaries) of state get by with a little help from officious friends

In April 2011, as Libyans were in the thick of their uprising against Muammar Gaddafi, a Frenchman in a white shirt unbuttoned to reveal swathes of chest arrived in Benghazi to hold yet another meeting with opposition leaders.

So, if France is not an anti-Semitic nation, is it an Islamophobic one?

The banning of recent Gaza protests in and around Paris has enflamed passions and exacerbated tensions in France, home to Europe’s largest Muslim and Jewish communities.

Old foes, new friends: Mali eases suspicious minds

In the old days, France was wary of the US messing around on its African turf. But the Mali intervention changed that. Then there’s Nigeria, France’s old Anglophone West African bogey, now turned new best friend. What a difference a war makes.